Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
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Journal of Virological Sciences (JVS) Launch


September 2, 2016 | Uncategorized

After tremendous success of Egyptian Journal of Virology (the old printed version of Egyptian society of Virology ESV’s periodical) and successful publishing of 12 issues in the hottest virology topics, Egyptian society of virology is pleased to announce the launch of its online biannual new periodical, Journal of Virological Sciences JVS, hosted by Scopemed electronic Journal Manager.

Journal of Virological Sciences JVS is totally online, articles are received from online submission system and all updates regarding submitted articles will be sent to corresponding authors by email, you can also follow your article from your author page at the journal site. JVS will adhere to the double blind peer reviewing system with minimum allowance for plagiarism that will not exceed 25%. All submitted articles will be scanned with ithenticate plagiarism detection software.

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Our mission at JVS is to publish good quality articles in all branches of virology; plant, human and animal virology. We accept articles from allover the world as they meet journal requirements.

Our Vision at JVS is to cross the limits and become one of the Q1 top Virology Journals in the world. By hard work and accepting only good articles we target to be mentioned in Journal Citations Report JCR three years from now and to gain an ISI impact factor five years from now.

JVS began to receive articles month ago and we are pleased to invite all virologists and virology specialists to submit their articles today to have a chance of being accepted in the 1st memorial issue of JVS. In order to register and submit your article follow the attached guide.

Written by:

Dr. Basem M. A. Ahmed, DVM., PhD.
Lecturer of virology, FVMCU.